Friday, 8 January 2010

January’s snow news!

As we finish the first week of the New Year buried in snow, the big question on every businesses lips is – just what does 2010 hold for us all?

Now, I’m no Mystic Meg but on the basis that surely it cannot get any worse (can it?) then the early signs must portray a more positive outlook. Talking with other recruiters we believe that we have all seen the end of corporate slash and burn as businesses trim staffing levels as heavily as possible to leave themselves lean and mean and in survival mode.

The early consensus amongst many of us is that we saw some initial indicators of economic life in early November as clients started asking us to meet with them and discuss not just single position assignments, but on a number of occasion’s assignments for multiple roles.

However, before we all start jumping up and down with glee and popping the champagne corks, I’d like to add a quiet note of caution. The tenders are still all in client discussion and have yet to be signed off. We haven’t lost them, but we haven’t yet won them. Clients are naturally cautious beings and are waiting to see which way the economic wind blows. The assignments will go live; we simply don’t know when!

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